Aug 26, 2005

Why Babe Theory Was Started

I'm a little concerned, and slightly down as well. The site hasn't had visitors since Aug 24th. This has affected me a little bit because this site was designed from the start with the intent to share and discuss, and to allow me to learn how to build a potentially popular site.

Of course, I could have gone the easy way and introduce nudity, and other traffic driving content. But I chose to stay true to what I feel about this subject and blog about it. Admittedly, the last couple of days have been hectic and it'll be so all weekend due to the many events I will have to attend. One wedding, meeting up with friends that are visiting, and also other friends whom I promised to spend time with.

So, unfortunately this weekend will be used to allow me to re-compose, re-focus, but rest assured that I will be back, and restart the content, refocus on bringing exposure to the site and delivering the best babe theories you've ever seen!

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