Sep 19, 2005

Keeping a daily blog is harder that I thought!

I admit, I am a little over my head when I challenged myself to do a daily blog. I thought that Babe Theory would be a great starter blog for me to maintain this dream. However, when it boils down to it, I only have a certain number of hours a day, and blogging about babes is not terribly high on my priority of "must-do" things.

Again, I apologize to the readers that have been visiting this site for failing on my commitment to blog daily. I am changing the blogging frequency to be more flexible. Sometimes, I will blog about 1 or 2 babes at the same time. I hope doing this will allow me to enjoy the blogging ritual more, rather than feeling stressed about missing days.

If you can believe it, I am also contemplating on expanding the number of blogging pages/subjects that I'll maintain. I hope to build a network of blogs on a variety of subjects that I will occasionally and frequent post content. Just not on a strict daily basis!

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